Since 1979, we have helped people recover from joint and muscle pain. If you are suffering from pain that prevents you from sleeping well, walking, playing sports or even working, we can help. If you have tried many other therapies, we promise you that we are different. We help our patients achieve real long term recoveries.


Our services are deeply rooted in the 1,500 year old legacy of Shaolin martial arts healing. Building on the wisdom of the ancients who created the effective herbal formulas we use, we have added modern physiotherapy to our methods. Our services are trusted by scores of loyal patients seeking long term pain relief.
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  • Shoulder

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  •  Guang Ming Daily
    Our patient’s recovery from knee osteoarthritis

Real Recoveries

Read how hundreds of our customers recovered their lives.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?
Please refer to this page for our full price list

Payment for the recommended regimen is made upfront, with additional discounts and payment options offered. Our regimen plans are recommended based on how chronic your condition is, starting from 7 sessions, and going up to 28 sessions. A single injury / body area affected will use between 1 and 4 patches.

What is a regimen?
Our regimens are recommended by our certified physiotherapists based on your condition. Soft tissue injuries like muscle or ligament strains go through 3 phases during recovery – Pain, Healing and Remodelling. Typically a new soft tissue injury, like an ankle sprain, will take 3 months to recover fully, but sometimes these injuries can also turn chronic, where even after 3 months, the pain and reduced function will not have disappeared fully.

Our regimens are designed to address the healing process comprehensively. With the help of our proprietary Chinese Martial Arts Patches, the healing period is expedited, with new injuries taking as little as 7 sessions to recover, and chronic injuries taking around 3 weeks (21 sessions) to recover, compared to more than 6 months with other treatment options out there today.

How many sessions are needed?
Our certified physiotherapists will assess your condition on your first visit and recommend a suitable regimen. A new injury will usually require 7 sessions, a sub-acute injury like a month-old muscle strain will take 14 sessions, while a chronic injury will take 21-28 sessions.
How long does each session last?
Each session typically lasts between 30-45 minutes. If a patient has multiple areas that need help, then each session can last over 1 hour.
How does the therapy work? Are there any guarantees that it will work for me?
Our services target the root cause of muscle and joint injuries using modern physiotherapy modalities together with our proprietary Chinese Martial Arts Medicine, which is made from Chinese herbs according to a time-tested formula that was originally developed by ancient Chinese physicians to help with martial arts injuries. The medicine is in the form of a patch, which is made on site to suit each patient’s injury, and is applied externally onto the injury. The patches are then kept on by our patients for about 12-15 hours.

During the session, our physiotherapists will also provide the appropriate physiotherapy modality, including trigger point massage, heat therapy, TENs or ultrasound and exercises.



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